Last weekend, my family recently adopted a beautiful, one-year-old Doberman from the Doberman Rescue. Her name is Gracie and we adore her! Though our household has only had a cat for the past few years, Gracie will be the third dog to be a part of our family, so we’ve had experience in the past.
We know that Gracie is a good fit for our household, and vice versa. My sisters and I will be leaving for college soon, and the way we see it, Gracie can counter the “empty nest syndrome” that my mother will be experiencing for the first time in 18 years. A one-year-old dog can safely be left home for the length of a work day, but certainly needs daily exercise, which my father is able to satisfy by taking her on his runs. Gracie came to us with the problem of submissive urination, but with tile floors and carpets that will need to be replaced in a couple months anyway, we are able to clean up the mess easily and without much fuss. She should grow out of it soon.
There are many questions you should ask before getting a dog:
- Do you have enough time for a dog?
- Can you afford the fees for a dog (food, cleaning supplies, veterinary check-ups and other medical expenses)?
- Is anyone allergic to a dog?
- How willing are you to deal with accidents?
- Are there small children in the household? (Though the dog might have a good record with children, the consequences of a slight slip from this record can be dire.)
If you do decide that a dog will be a good addition to your family, the next questions are what type and how old? All breeds have different personalities and you might want to do some research to see which is best for your family. The key when thinking about getting a dog is to ask many questions; never buy on impulse. This way, you can ensure you end up with a happy, healthy dog that will most assuredly be a wonderful source of entertainment and love for your family.