Children transform into social butterflies once their tween years hit. They begin to see friendships as much more important, and they look for ways to feel that they belong to a group. One way to assist your child with fitting in involves hosting a party for his or her friend’s. Choose one of the following themes, and the party is guaranteed to be a success.
You don’t have to actually travel to an exclusive spa to pull off this theme. Instead, enlist family and friends to help with giving the tweens in attendance “treatments.” For example, one person could paint fingernails, while another gives facials. Still another friend could curl and style hair. Burn a few candles for aromatherapy, and provide delicious fresh fruit smoothies!
When warm weather arrives, celebrate by hosting a party outside. Provide a variety of games to get the children moving.
For instance, start with a few rounds of Twister, then move to a bean bag tournament. This game is easy to play, plus it’s extremely popular right now. Check out these bean bag game sets by Dicks Sporting Goods. You don’t have to purchase a set, however, as many choose to make their own.
Other ideas: shoot baskets, run three legged races, provide eggs for tossing, and throw Frisbees.
Be sure to have plenty of nutritious drinks and snacks for hungry guests.
A small group of friends will enjoy visiting an attraction in a nearby city, such as a museum or zoo. Be sure to pick a place where most of the kids have not been.
Children this age still need supervision, so you will have to tag along with the group as they explore the venue; however, the tweens will enjoy the fact that they are having a new experience with their best friends.
Finish the excursion with a visit to a favorite ice cream or donut shop, and the kids will talk about the day for weeks to come.
Tweens love watching movies, and they love movie marathons even more. Capitalize on this by showing a popular movie and its sequel or two movies in the same genre. (Remember, these are tweens, so steer clear of R ratings!)
If possible, set up a space in your home to simulate a movie theater. For instance, darken windows with blankets, and place bean bag chairs in rows. That way, the experience will seem more “real.”
As they watch the films, provide them with plenty of refreshments. If possible, devise a mock refreshment stand where they can pick and choose what they want to eat. For example, you could have different flavors of popcorn, a variety of candy bars, and several types of drinks.
These four party themes merely hint at what tweens like. Other ideas include: art party, pool party, dance party, video game party, and singing party. Ask your child what his group of friends like for even more ideas.