Tweens are at a school level where math goes beyond the scope of what parents remember. Fractions, word problems, and the dreaded subject of algebra make the task of helping a lot harder. Parents can help overcome these math problems with these tips.
Remember that solving math problems is a process. The answer is far less important than how you arrive at the destination. In many cases, teachers will require that the work is shown. So when you want to help, take a look at how similar questions are solved in either their math book or on the internet.
If you are stumped by math terminology, look up the definition of the words. It is fine if you as a parent have forgotten what a math word actually means. Many math terms are related to certain equations. Once you figure out what the association is, you are that much closer to helping your Tween solve the problem.
The key to word problems is to associate words with their mathematical counterpart. The best approach is to start with the question or take a look at what the problem wants solve. If you aren’t sure what term a word relates to, then as with other terminology don’t be afraid to look it up.
Ask for help if the problem is outside your ability to understand it or you aren’t quite grasping the concept your teacher wants your Tween to know. The best source of help is actually the teacher. Don’t be afraid to approach them when asking for help. You can also find help online from various math forums. Just be aware that you might run into different solutions for the same problem.
Helping Tweens with math is a daunting task for many parents. You don’t have to be one of the helpless ones. Look at the process over the answer, look up math words you aren’t familiar with, and find help when needed. You don’t need to know all the answers. All you really need is to find a workable solution with your Tween.