Trick or treating is still something your tween might be excited about. After all, some tweens still like dressing up and getting those treats. But they are also too old for the little games and still way too young to go house to house unsupervised. So, the hard part is finding a balance that both sides can agree to. Here are just a few options to explore to avoid the argument about what they can do on Halloween.
The first is to consider throwing a Halloween party for some of their friends. Ask the other tween parents to help supervise so you avoid the drop off and disappear trick. Remember to keep the number of parents proportional to the number of tweens present. Throw this party outside or in a big room. Then ask your tween for “cool” Halloween party games. Remember, their involvement in the party planning is crucial.
Plan a Halloween themed sleepover. While you might not have this sleepover exactly on Halloween, you can plan this for the weekend. Invite a few of their closest friends. Rent a few scary movies. Supply popcorn and pizza. Flashlights are also a necessity. This is also a good way to get rid of any leftover candy.
For those who are insistent on going out, ask them to volunteer for the game stations at a Halloween event. Attaching candy to a fishing pole is a great way for them to get involved and still have some fun. They can also help the younger kids with some of the games. Give them a special treat at the end as a reward.
If they still want to go out with their friends, then a public venue is a good place to take them. Take a little time to research Halloween events to find a suitable place. Then recruit a few parents to help with supervision. Make sure to keep in mind the parent to tween ratios when taking on the challenge of supervising tweens. You don’t need to be the only one supervising.
Some tweens are really into Halloween. Just like the little kids, you do want to them to have a safe Halloween. Part of the trick is compromising. Part of the treat is seeing them still have fun.