“I wanted to find a way to use technology to let people steal a few minutes here and there just to help refresh their memory on certain key concepts needed for standardized tests”-Brian Reese, CEO and Co-Founder of TestSoup and Active Duty Air Force Officer.
TestSoup was founded in 2009 by Brian Reese. TestSoup is a web and mobile based flashcard system that allows students to study for standardized tests on the go. It is a subsidiary of Wasabi Ventures LLC, a venture capital firm and holding company.
TestSoup features flashcards for the GMAT, GRE, and AF PDG as well as mobile applications for BlackBerry with iPhone and Android apps coming soon. Each set includes 400+ flashcards aimed to refresh student’s memories on core concepts. From a student’s perspective, it has a very useful flag for review feature. Additionally, some cards include more than just the correct answer; some cards include formulas and steps used to derive the answer. TestSoup says: “Our team has spent years going through various study materials, interviewing test takers, developing test strategies, etc, to bring you the best of the best. Our focus is to ensure you get the most critical core concepts, test strategies, and test hacks so you are fully prepared on test day. There are certain core concepts, formulas, etc, that you need to memorize prior to test day… Our flashcard system simulates this experience, therefore, forcing you to get used to seeing/studying various concepts on a computer.”
As a company, TestSoup wants the best for their students as they encourage innovative ways to be successful. In addition to their website, where users can register and try 25 flashcards free, TestSoup has created a blog with helpful tips on how to prepare for standardized tests, especially the GMAT. For example, one blog post is titled: “Tips to Help You Dominate the GMAT Verbal Section”. Each posting is published with you, the student, in mind. Also, the postings are written by former students such as the “How to Get Into Harvard Business School,” and interview with Chris Yeh, by F1GMAT.
TestSoup is working hard to get their brand out into the social media market. Fans can follow TestSoup on Twitter and Facebook. TestSoup is up and running and ready for busy students to use on the go.
TestSoup strives to instill standardized test success, one student at a time.