Preschoolers are about the age when sports programs will accept players. There are multiple reasons why your preschooler should get into some sort of sport. Not only does it provide an additional outlet and direction for excess energy, it is a fun way for them to get some exercise. Plus, they get the benefit of meeting friends outside of the boundaries of school. Even if they don’t have a talent for one sport, at this age it is fairly easy to switch sports until you find one that they like and are comfortable with.
Soccer is a team sport that encourages running and ball manipulation. It ingrains the concepts of sharing and team work. At this age, the really fun part is chasing the ball. Winning and losing aren’t a big deal. Of all of the sports, it is probably one of the most financially affordable options.
This particular sport is used to build up self-confidence and teach kids how to defend themselves. It integrates many of the qualities that parents find desirable, such as focusing on projects and learning through practice. It can get expensive, depending on the program that you pick out. Check out each type of Karate program to ensure the best fit for your Preschooler. You should be able to test 0ut a class for free.
Some Preschoolers take to the water like fish. Learning to swim is a great way for them to tap into this natural ability. Swimming can also be a survival skill. At this age, water safety is an essential lesson especially if they have access to a pool.
Even if your Preschooler is not destined to be the next Olympic Gold Medal winner, gymnastics teaches them how to control their body. It aids in flexibility and movement. Before you invest in this sport, take a look at the programs and sit in on a class. Preschoolers can certainly benefit from this new awareness about how their body moves.
Sometimes incorporated with the gymnastics, dance is a world of opportunity. Because it is so broad, your Preschooler can find a dance style that they like. Whether it is learning to be a ballerina or tapping, there are many options. Again, you do want to sit in on a class to see if it will work for your Preschooler.
T-ball is the basic precursor to baseball. This sport is likely be more appealing to boys than girls, but girls certainly can play. This sport is designed to introduce young children to the basics of the game. It emphasizes teamwork and coordination.
Getting your preschooler involved in sports is a way to work some fun exercise into their lifestyle. While it can be a hassle for parents, the investment in sports does pay off in the skills that it builds in your preschooler.