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Singin’ in the Rain

by Louise | November 23rd, 2009 | Elementary

riverNot too many years ago, parents might have had trouble keeping their kids entertained (and not climbing on the walls) when it was raining outside. With all of today’s electronics, a rainy day does not seem to present itself as a problem anymore. Children have computer games, board games, video games, movies, and many more fun activities. The problem is, none of these activities really keep a kid active. Here are some activities you can do outside when it’s raining:

  • Puddle jump – Dress your children in some boots and some old clothes or bathing suits or rain coats, and let them go wild! You could stay sheltered under an umbrella, but it might be more fun to join in.
  • Use chalk – Chalk and rain, won’t it just wash away? Actually, before it washes away, the chalk becomes more like pain,t and you and your children can make very unique swirls or lines than run down a sloped driveway.
  • Stream race – If you know of a stream that forms near your home, build mini boats with tin foil or bottle caps, and race them down the stream!
  • Play in the mud – Say what? Yes, your child will get dirty, but that is easily fixed, isn’t it? Make mud pies and other mud sculptures, or just let your kids enjoy squishing the mud with a pair of rain boots.
  • Camp – If you expect some rain, set up a tent the day before. Then, you can enjoy a cool camping atmosphere (and keep the kids away from the television).
  • Swim – Provided there is no thunder or lightning, swimming in the rain is just as fun as swimming in the sun. Keep your towels stowed in a covered area and enjoy watching the way the droplets hit the pool.

Playing in the rain seems wrongly tabooed. If it’s not too cold outside, what’s the worst the rain could do? It is just water after all; kids don’t melt. To prevent sickness, wash off any mud and grab some clean, dry clothes. Then, you will have successfully spent a fun day in the rain.

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