For those of you who live down south or somewhere it doesn’t snow, I’m sorry but this article doesn’t apply to you. But if you, like me, live where it snows all winter long I have just the list of survival tips to help you get through a hard winter. A couple things I will point out first though are to not freak out before a storm. It’s just weather and it won’t kill you. Also, unless you are 100% confident in your driving skills, don’t drive in the middle of a blizzard. It screams DISASTER! Most of the time you will end up crashing.
- Try to get all work you have to do done before the storm hits. If you have homework or “blizzard bags” (schoolwork you have to do during a storm instead of making up schooldays at the end of the year) to do, do them as soon as possible. If you lose power you may not be able to do the work during the storm. And if you try to do all your work after the storm you may not be able to finish it before school starts back up.
- Learn how to shovel. Hopefully if you live up north you already know how to, but if you don’t it is very simple. Have a slight bend in your knees and at your hips. Don’t bend in your back because it will hurt it. And don’t lift with your back, lift with your legs. Simply bend over and scoop with your shovel, lift with your legs, and toss over your shoulder onto the yard or wherever you are putting the snow.
- Don’t buy tons of food just before a storm, especially stuff like milk that will go bad without power. If you are going to buy anything buy stuff like bread or crackers and peanut butter. You don’t need to buy water either, you have sinks for a reason. If you have a gas/flame stove top instead of an electric one you should be able to turn the knob and light it with a match or lighter. That way you can make canned soup or ramen noodles if you have them. If you really feel like your power will be out long enough for you to run out of food the only thing you could stock up on is those two things. Canned soup and ramen noodles. Plus they all come in different “flavors”.
- Don’t worry. Stay calm. As long as you have power you can stay warm and stay amused with the internet and cable. If you do lose power use candles for light and play board games or read books. If you have a wood stove for heat use it. If not, try to find a generator, no matter how small it is you can at least have heat. If you can’t get your hands on a generator try to use mostly candles for light instead of flashlights. That way at least the candles will add in a little warmth.
They’re only four instructions, but they should get you through the storm. Just remember to not freak out. Good luck!