Saturday my friend asked me to sleep over her house. She said her parents wouldn’t be home, and my mom was fine with that. We’d be going to the school’s fashion show at seven that night so she asked if I could hang out at her house for a little while before. She then told me that there would be a few boys there. My mom wasn’t OK with me being there with boys without parental supervision. So she dropped me off about 10 minutes before we left for the fashion show. There were four or five cars in the driveway and she got suspicious as to how many people would actually be there. I was under the impression the boys would not be coming back after the fashion show.
As we left, I realized that my friend’s longtime boyfriend would be staying at her house with his friends while we were gone. I started getting nervous because I realized that they would most likely be staying for a while after the show, as they would be starting a bonfire while we were gone. My mom told me before I left that if she found out that there were boys there after the show I would be in major trouble. Throughout the show I was constantly racking my brain as to whether I would be able to get away with going back to her house while there were at least four boys there. At first I seriously thought I could. But then my friend started talking to other people; I guess they’d heard she was having friends over and wanted to come. Most kids I knew, and almost all of them were good kids. Then one girl asked if she could bring her cousin and her boyfriend, whom I know is a drinker. I notified my friend of this and she replied, “If someone brings alcohol to my house I’ll tell them they can’t drink it. If they proceed to I’ll just kick them out.” Now you have to realize that my friend is all of five feet tall, maybe 110 pounds tops. She’s also only a freshman. No upperclassmen would listen to her if she told them to leave.
All of this sent my nerves through the roof. I had this feeling in my gut that my mom would drive by or something and I decided to have my brother bring me home. When I texted my mom this she told me she was proud of me. When I got home she said she’d been nervous and had a feeling the boys would be staying later than she was told. She also said that if I hadn’t come home she probably would’ve “gone to the grocery store”, taking the long way past my friend’s house. So pretty much I would’ve been busted. Lucky for my friend everything went well and no booze arrived at her house.
Moral of the story — if you have a feeling that you’ll get in trouble, or even if you know your parents won’t allow what you want to do, don’t do it. It’s never worth the chance of getting in trouble.

Congratulations on your good choice. I think you do present good reasons to do this, such as avoiding being in trouble. Another reason to do this is that it shows your parents that they can trust you. By following rules and making good choices, it shows that you are becoming a responsible, mature adult.