I love my step-siblings, don’t get me wrong, but occasionally my stepsister doesn’t know where to draw the line. I hardly ever see her and am so grateful when she is able to come up and visit, but lately when she has been coming up she has been getting on my nerves. When she and my stepbrother visited over Christmas, they were here for a few days, but this summer she will be up for a few weeks. I am sure many of you out there have to deal with this same issue, and here are a few easy tips to handle any problems between you and your siblings.
My stepsister was constantly just barging into my room while she was here without asking, let alone knocking. Granted, she had nowhere to do her makeup so she had to borrow my mirror, but I would have appreciated a knock at least. If you have a similar problem with a sibling coming into your room, make sure none of their stuff is left in your room. This gives them an excuse to come in whenever they please. Last year I had moved my stepsister’s larger mirror into my room because I did not have one besides the small one I did my makeup in. I did this, of course, after asking her permission. Typically I move it back when she is here, but this time I forgot. This gave her a reason to come in whenever she pleased, not only because her mirror was in my room, but also because she now needed a place to do her makeup.
If they have nothing of theirs in your room and still come in, talk to them. Explain that if your door is shut, you want your privacy and would prefer they asked or knocked before coming in. If this does not work, you can talk to a parent, or, if you have one, lock your door if absolutely needed.
My stepsister would often vent to me about my own mother. Granted, my mother and I aren’t always two peas in a pod, but she is still my mother. If you have a similar issue, tell your sibling you are not comfortable with them talking like this about said person to you. Tell them you understand their frustration, but do not appreciate the tone of voice they are using. If you like, you can try to give them advice to solve the issue, but they may not take it.
If your sibling just will not listen to you there may come a time that you need a parent to get involved, but before you go crying wolf try to talk to them one on one about the issue you are having.