Breakfast habits don’t come easy to most of us, and that’s because we tend to lead busy lives. We can’t find enough time to whip up a healthy treat in the morning, even if we know that it is essential for our brains to be up to par later on. If you don’t eat something in the time span of an hour after having woken up, chances are you’ll feel sluggish around 11am, and your cravings will be so bad that you’ll end up having two croissants or any other high-calorie snack.
The trouble with breakfast is that nobody wants to do it. Let’s face it; it’s way better to spend some extra time in bed under the covers instead of having to whip up the first meal of the day. However, if you have children, you have to force yourself into it.
Kids are exposed to junk food every minute of their lives. Whether they want to go out with their buddies or they go to somebody’s birthday party, the fact of the matter is that on the whole, they have a better chance of eating something unhealthy than anything remotely healthy.
As a parent, one of your duties should be to try to make your home-cooked meals as simple and healthy as possible. It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort as sometimes all you need is a quality blender and the ingredients for a delicious smoothie. You can use anything ranging from bananas and strawberries to Greek yogurt and even a bit of ice if it’s particularly hot outside.
Eggs are an extremely versatile food as there are loads of things you can make with them. You can prepare eggy muffins, or you can scramble, poach, or boil them. Just make sure to avoid eating more than one egg per day or seven days in a week as they contain high levels of cholesterol.
Fruits are great in the morning, because of their high content in sugar. They might not be a great snack in the evening, however, since their sugar content will affect your digestion. Because they are rich in fiber, however, they can keep you feeling full for a longer amount of time.
Besides, if you’re really having trouble telling what foods your kids might like more, it would be a good idea to get the best frozen yogurt maker and whip up a treat instead of a traditional breakfast. After all, it comes with plenty of nutrients, and there’s nothing stopping you from adding berries and other fruits.
Teaching your kids how to cook is another top that might be useful in the long run. Of course, no one’s into learning something new early in the morning. But all that doesn’t mean you can’t do it on the weekends when everyone gets up a little later than the usual. Consider the fact that 30% of Americans eat their meals alone, and the worst part is that they usually indulge in snack foods instead of preparing something for themselves. Should your son or daughter know how to use a pan and cook something simple, they will be able to feed themselves in the future.
Brought to you by our friends at kitchenettejen.com.