We all know that being a mother is the toughest job any woman can have. But an even tougher course is being both a mother and a student. However, just because the mother/student course is hard to master, it does not mean that the time spent in classrooms and simulated salons are not worth it.
So what does it take to turn from a mother and student to a mother and entrepreneur, or mompreneur? This article will outline some of the best courses that mothers can take to learn a trade and start their own successful businesses.
As long as there are women, there will always be a need for cosmetologists. Therefore, cosmetology schools are a great place for mothers who are interested in the beauty industry to start. There are so many areas of cosmetology that someone can choose. Someone who is interested in black hair care or makeup can choose to focus on that slice of the cosmetology industry after they graduate.
Some of the areas that mothers can choose to focus on in cosmetology schools include the following niches:
Artificial nails
Cutting hair
Coloring hair
Eyelash extensions
Hair styling
Mothers who do not want to go the tried-and-true route in the beauty industry can consider barbering as a career. Plenty of women populate barber shops across America as barbers. Look into cosmetology schools in your area for accredited barber instruction programs.
When enrolled in a barber program, a student will take some of the following courses:
Cutting with clippers
Cutting with shears and razors
After Graduation
Once the graduation parties are over and the congratulatory hugs from your children have ceased, it’s time to start thinking of how you’re going to make a living. While many cosmetology school graduates make a good living working for other people, others will gain more satisfaction working for themselves.
If you’re one of those budding mompreneurs, look first to your school. Many trade schools offer business training for their students so that they are well prepared to go out into the world and show their local community the skills they learned.
After you exhausted your school’s resources, look to those that are in your community. The Small Business Administration has offices all around the country. Local government sources, such as the Economic Development Department in Austin, TX, are also available to residents. If you don’t live in Austin, seek out similar organizations in your hometown.
Being both a mother and student is hard. However, being able to say that you’re a mother who holds down both her household and her own business will be worth the hours of commuting; study; client interaction and research that you will have to do while you’re in school.
Brought to you by our friends at Ron King Academy.