So fall is coming to an end and we are nearly a fourth to a third of the way through the school year. (Yay!) This means that most people have fallen into their social categories and cliques. We all have our friend groups that we love and cherish, but sometimes spending too much time with the same people can lead to fighting. If you can feel this three month itch coming on, it may be time for a change in scenery.
Typically by now things like student government and student council are a closed group so it may be hard to join those, but many clubs will always welcome new members. Even a student council will welcome a friendly and new face if they are looking for volunteers. It is as easy as speaking to the president of the club or the faculty member that oversees the club to see if they could use any extra help. You may not be considered an official member, but it will give you a great opportunity to meet new people and create new friendships.
If you tend to stick to sports as your typical afterschool activity, try to expand your horizons. See if your school has a math or science team or club. You could also check out an art club or drama. This goes for everyone. If you typically shy away from sports, try out for a team this winter or join the ski club. There are endless possibilities for you to make new friends.
High school is a difficult and confusing time for many people. It can be scary to put yourself out there by simply asking a question in class, let alone making new friends, but it is worth it. You will always have your best friends there to rely on, but you need other friends as well. High school will be very boring if you go through it with only three friends. You may be the three best friends anyone has ever seen, but you will miss out on so many opportunities. It may seem like the safe option to stick to your few friends you can trust, but you will enjoy high school far more if you put yourself out there. Still have your select core of friends that you can confide in, but branch out. Make school friends. and sport friends, make every type of friend you can. High school flies by, so take the time to enjoy it.