Part of this great parenting adventure is encouraging our Tweens to explore their talents and interests. I recently challenged my 12-year-old son to write a short story, in three hundred words or less, inspired by one of his favorite literary works. It’s the sort of thing that a writer does to encourage the fruit of his loins. An architect might have challenged his Tween to design a building or a soldier might design a physical challenge for his child. I picked writing. You chose whatever you and your Tween agree is an area of potential to be explored.
So as his reward I am posting his masterpiece for all the world to read. Here is the first ever published work of Master Maximillian Rowe — inspired by a minor genealogical note in the first chapter of J.R.R. Tolkein’s The Hobbit. And, you may note, the story is precisely 299 words long. Bonus points for following directions. Also, please kindly note that dad resisted the temptation to wordsmith the article. In the unedited prose of a 12-year-old writer-to-be:
The Battle of the Green Fields
Bullroarer had a dilemma on his hands. He had to decide wether to run like the other hobbits or join a resistance group to fight the goblins. He looked down to see his son and daughter beckoning him toward the escape route. “Jay! Hannah! Go join your mother,” said Bullroarer. “But dad-” Jay started to protest. “No. Don’t argue just go.” said Bullroarer. The two children ran to there mother who was standing at the gate. Bullroarer took off at a fast pace toward a dwarf’s cart who was giving weapons and shields away. When he got to the dwarf The dwarf said “Sorry, all we have left is a wooden club and a horse.” Bullroarer said he would take them both and be off.
“Look out” said Sauruman the brown the one wizard who was in the area at the time. A goblin then came around the back of Bullroarer and tied to stab him but Sauruman came and whacked him with his staff as Bullroarer whacked someone in the head behind him. Then Bullroarer saw his chance. The king was turned around with only two guards protecting him. “Sauruman!” said Bullroarer and Sauruman looked and understood. Together they charged and wile Sauruman took out the guards, Bullroarer Went straight for the king. When he got to the king he swung his club as hard as he could. He watched the king’s head roll away – all the way until it went into a rabbit hole.
Without a leader the goblins turned and ran. So the battle of the green fields won and Bullroarer became very rich and famous for inventing golf.
And they all lived happily ever after. Until one day in a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit who wanted to go on a adventure.