Now, I know I have already given you a variety of places to go on dates, but that was for the spring or summer. In the winter it’s different. You can no longer go to the beach, or a lake, or the park. And it becomes much more difficult to go on dates that aren’t just to the movies or the mall. Not that going to the movies or mall on a date is bad, it’s just that they get boring. And of course whatever season it is you can always go over each other’s houses, but again, you run out of things to do. There are thousands of date ideas, you just have to think of them.
- Go to the movies. But don’t just do the usual thing where you search for the perfect movie. Go online to the theater’s website and find the movie with the soonest showing and go see it. Don’t even look up what it’s about, just go and watch.
- Go see a local band, even if neither of you has ever heard of them.
- Have your own film festival. Go to the library and rent a bunch of movies you both like, make some snacks, pick a comfy coach, and cuddle up.
- Go ice skating. Rosy cheeks and noses are adorable from the cold, and with the instability of skates you’ll have to hold hands.
- Go rollerblading. Even better, find one of those rinks that have a karaoke night and dare him to a romantic duet. Top it off with a shared banana split at the end of the night.
- Find a nice hill in your neighborhood and go sledding. Amp up the dorky fun factor by wearing bike helmets.
- Go on a double date to one of your houses. Play cards and board games all night long. To make it even funner do blind drawing sessions. Add some caffeine and that’s as good as it gets.
- Rake one of your yards into a giant pile and embrace your inner child. Go crazy.
- Go to a mall with a pet store and play with the puppies.
- Go people watching. Indoor or out, find people and make up fun background stories, conversations, or try to guess what they are going to do before they do it.
- If there is a pond in your neighborhood that freezes through in the winter, go ice sliding. It’s just like ice skating, except free. Just make sure that the ice is plenty thick to hold your weight.
- Make dinner together and share it afterwords. For dessert you can each make your own and make it into a competition.
- Build a snowman. To decorate it fill spray bottles with water and a bit of food coloring.
- Go to the mall with some other couples and have a girls versus guys scavenger hunt.
- Go to Olive Garden and share the never ending soup, salad, and bread sticks.
- Go Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanza) gift shopping together.
- Go on a group date and play paintball.
I hope these help you and your honey get just a little bit closer.