Tinkerbell is undoubtedly a very popular Disney figure. There are so many dolls out there that it is easy to get confused. This particular review is about the Disney Fairies 9-inch Feature Doll – Berry Blossom Tink.
Now, there is no doubt that the package design and the “try me” feature is designed to get fans of Tinkerbell interested in this particular product. It is pretty and it is a fair semblance of Tinkerbell. The wings are included. After all, what is a fairy without her wings? In fact, there are two sets of wings that come with this doll.
Despite the design, you should not give in to this particular and very likely impulsive purchase. There are a couple of reasons why.
The first reason is that the wings don’t really stay attached. If you take them off, it is difficult to get them back on the same way. In other words, they don’t stay on after they are removed the first time. This detachable feature won’t stay with the doll for very long. The wings will quickly become another piece of plastic that you have no idea what to attach to, and you will be tempted to throw it away.
The second reason is that the doll is constructed out of clearly cheap plastic molding. Clearly, the toy is being sold more on its name recognition than its quality material.
The string is located up front. While it delivers a very short green light show, one pull won’t always make it light up. Furthermore, the string itself will likely become detached with one hard pull. It isn’t something that will stand up well to toddlers or boys of any age.
The real killer on this toy is the price. The price is extremely high when all you are really buying is a Disney name. Of course, the price varies depending on who you shop with and the area, but it was around 20 dollars retail.
Bottom line, no matter how much your Tinkerbell fans request this particular toy, don’t buy it. It is cheaply made. The wing construction falls off from what is clearly bad design. With all of that and the price, put it on the No list for this Christmas. You are better off saving those dollars for a better toy.