A successful school experience. Isn’t that what most parents hope for? That each of their children enjoys learning, a trait which ultimately leads to graduation from high school? As a parent, you can assist your tween with being successful in school in many ways, including making regular visits to the local library. By doing so, you will help create a student success story – for your own child.
But what if your tween is reluctant to embrace all the library has to offer?  In this post I’ve listed four ways to encourage your tween to love (or at least like) going to the library.
Library Treasure Hunt
The American Library Association has lots of educational materials available to assist parents. For instance, they offer a library treasure hunt worksheet for tweens. Â This fun activity will encourage your child and his or her friends to explore the library’s many resources. Â Follow this link to the treasure hunt worksheet. Â You can use this tool – even if you are not a teacher – as it can be modified to fit your needs. In addition, have a prize ready for each child who finishes the hunt!
Movie Night Mayhem
Children will love to visit the library if they come to realize that many have extensive movie collections, including the classics. For instance, you could encourage your children to read Treasure Island by Robert Lewis Stevenson, then watch one or two of the many movie adaptations together. This action packed book will mesmerize even the most reluctant reader, and the movies will be equally engaging. Â Make movie mayhem night even more fun by having themed snacks!
Reading Competitions
Students across the country participate in lively competitions surrounding reading books. For instance, in Wisconsin, tweens can be part of Bookquest.  The goal of this activity is simple: read as many of the books listed for the competition as possible, then be ready to answer questions about those books!  Children LOVE to compete, and what better way to get them excited about learning than by participating in a book competition.  Research book competitions for school children in your own area, then assist your child with locating the books on the list at the local library.  View a  sample reading competition book list for tweens here.
Reading Clubs
Many libraries offer book clubs for tweens. Â For those children reluctant to read different types of books, a club may be just the answer. Â He will like reading the book assigned if he can discuss why he doesn’t like it with the group. In addition, book clubs for children are fun, as they often include hands on activities and snacks. Call your local children’s librarian for more information on what’s available in your part of the country.
Love the Library = Love Learning
Those students who love (or even like) visiting the library have a much greater chance of being a successful student. Â Encourage your tween to visit the library often, and you will be doing your part to enhance student success rates.