Most tweens embrace the fun and frivolity of Halloween. It’s the one time of year they can morph into someone else, and be paid in candy for successfully completing this transformation.  Thus, tweens highly anticipate the arrival of Halloween night with its time honored tradition of trick or treating.  As a parent, you must be proactive when it comes to your tween’s behavior on this special night, a night filled with candy, but also with shenanigans.
How much supervision?
Tip number one involves supervision.  While many tweens will proclaim they can go trick or treating on their own, you will have to make the decision whether they can handle this responsibility or not. A compromise might be that you stand at the end of the street while your tween travels between the rows of houses with a friend or two. At the very least, make sure you know the exact route your older tween and his friends plan to take, and have him check in on a cell phone at regular intervals.  In essence, you know your tween’s maturing level best, so it will be up to you to figure out how much freedom to allow.
Pedestrian Rules Still Apply
Tip number two surrounds proper pedestrian behavior. Â Just because Halloween promotes fun and freedom from being oneself, does not mean that rules do not apply. Â For instance, a tween should realize she can not dart across the street, and that she should be cognizant of cars backing out of driveways. Â The night does lend itself to excitement; however, a tween must realize that even in the midst of merrymaking, proper behavior when crossing roads and when walking along sidewalks should be observed. Finally, make it perfectly clear a tween should not be preoccupied with his cell phone when walking, as posting selfies can lead to an increased incidence of falls.
Destruction of Property = Punishment
Tips number three comes into play when a parent decides to let a group of older tweens go trick or treating alone.  Children who venture out into a neighborhood must understand that destruction of property should not occur.  It is never right to smash a neighbor’s pumpkins, and eggs should never mar a structure. Stress to your child the following: it is a privilege to set foot on another person’s property, so he should be on his best behavior when doing so on Halloween night.
Safe Kids Worldwide Halloween Safety Tips
Safe Kids Worldwide, an organization dedicated to the safety of all children, published additional Halloween safety tips on their web page. Â Access the tips by clicking here.
Concluding Thoughts
Adults in the United States remember the fun and excitement of trick or treating on Halloween, and those with children want them to grow up with similar fond memories. While it is easy to monitor the behavior of a young child on this special night, it becomes more difficult with tweens.  They boast of their independence; however, special precautions still need to be taken to ensure their safety.