When you do not have toys, games or other diversions available, a cute song can keep preschoolers busy in a pinch. Silly songs with interactive movements capture their attention fast and keep them entertained for several rounds of singing. You can easily memorize the words, melodies and movements to bring out these fun songs anytime you need to keep your preschoolers busy.
Cookie Jar
This song helps kids coordinate multiple movements while singing at the same time. You and your children will alternate singing lines to each other. Sing the lyrics while alternating between patting your legs and clapping your hands. You will start the song by singing the first two lines, and then your child and you will sing the rest in call back style with the appropriate lines and movements.
Lyrics: “Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? / (Child’s name) stole the cookie from the cookie jar! / Who me? / Yes, you / Couldn’t Be / Then who?â€
Start the song over with your child singing the first two lines and placing your name in the song.
Punchinello is also a call and response song between two or more people. One person pretends to be Punchinello the clown while the others represent the audience. During the first and second lines, the clown performs a jump, stands on one foot or another simple acrobatic activity. Audience members copy that movement while singing the third and fourth lines.
Lyrics: “What can you do, Punchinello, Punchinello / What can you do, Punchinello the clown / I can do that too, Punchinello Punchinello / I can do that too, Punchinello the clownâ€
The song repeats with the roles switching for every verse.
Baby Bumblebee
The baby bumblebee song is sung by all members of the group at the same time. The lyrics are so silly that preschoolers usually can’t hold their giggles in while singing. This song is a lot longer than the others as the lyrics and hand movements change with each verse.
Lyrics: “I’m bringing home my baby bumblebee / Won’t my mommy be so proud of me? / I’m bringing home my baby bumblebee / Oh no, it stung me†(Cup hands and rock arms back and forth as if carrying a bumblebee home)
“I’m squishing up my baby bumblebee / Won’t my mommy be so proud of me / I’m squishing up my baby bumblebee / Ew, my hands are yucky†(Keep fingers splayed out, press palms together and rotate hands back and forth)
“I’m cleaning off my baby bumblebee / Won’t my mommy be so proud of me / I’m cleaning off my baby bumblebee / Bye bye baby bumblebee†(Wipe hands off on shirt and pants)
These songs, and many other like them, can keep kids busy singing and dancing through boring activities. Your kids will learn to memorize song lyrics, change up melodies and coordinate movements while singing these fun songs with you and their peers.