When I was two I received a brand new tricycle from my grandpa. I rode that thing all over the house and especially into my mom’s freshly painted baseboards. I scuffed them up beyond all recognition. So I was told many times by my mother. This memory is not actually one of my own. In fact, there are many things my parents told me about my childhood. I often wonder what things they have forgot.
I read an article that suggested writing a letter to your unborn child about expectations and what you think it will be like to meet him or her for the first time. As a writer, I decided to take it one step further and keep a journal. My first entry is from the day my wife told me she was pregnant. I was gone on trip to fix a cargo plane. It was supposed to only be a two day trip and turned out to be over a week long. She learned we were expecting the night I left and held it in for a couple days hoping I would be home soon. However, Uncle Sam kept finding more work for our team and delayed us. She burst out with excitement one night over the phone.
That is a story I hope our child learns about. I would love to know how my parents came up with my name? What other names did they kick around? What if I had been a girl? These are all things they could recall, but exactly how vividly? I am the youngest of five, and I have over twenty cousins. I am sure a detail or two has been forgotten.
A journal of doctor’s visits and other big things that happen are things I love to document. Since it is an electronic file on my computer, I even have added pictures of my wife as time goes by and her baby-bump grows and all of the ultrasound pictures we have.
Any suggestions on how to share this with our child one day?