Daycare centers are hugely in demand as more and more parents and family members are now willing to send their toddlers to day nursery.
If you have made a decision to send your baby to a childcare program, you will first need to prepare him or her about the journey. Staying away from home can be a scary experience for a child until you prepare your baby for it.
To allow you to make this transition easy for your baby, here are some value tips:
1. Introduce The Concept to Your Child
Let your child know what daycare is and how it works. Make sure to ease into it and not explain the whole thing in one conversation as the horrors of finding out about daycare can leave your child worried.
Imagine waking up one morning and telling your baby he’d be sent to daycare from tomorrow. This can be traumatic and leave a very bad impression on your child.
Instead, go slow about it. First, tell your child what daycare is with no mention of him or her being sent to one. Carefully speak to your child about it and prepare him or her to take this big leap.
Since it is a slow process, you must start a few weeks before you actually plan on sending your child. This way you will have enough time to get him or her mentally prepared to go out and live without you.
2. Get Your Child Excited About the Idea
You have to get your child excited about going to a daycare. This can be done by setting a positive tone and highlighting the benefits of childcare.
Make sure to speak to your child keeping his or her requirements in mind. For example, talk to your child about how he or she would get to meet new people, make new friends and learn new things.
Kids are eager to socialize and learn new things. You can tell your child how going to a day nursery would help him or her acquire new skills that would make him or her better than others.
Since children are competitive, the idea of being more skilled than others can really get your child kicked about going to daycare.
3. Teach Your Child to Be Without You
The most difficult thing for a child would be to be away from his or her comfort zone. For this matter you can leave a comfort item to make your baby feel at ease. This item can be a toy or just a pillow that makes your child feel safe and comfortable.
Other than this, do not linger for too long. Start by giving less time to your child so he or she is mentally prepared to spend less time with you.
Another important factor to consider is the ‘dropping off’ moment. Your child may cry or show anger when you drop him or her, but you need to be strong and not linger.
Let the caregivers take care of your baby. It may be difficult for all the parties involved in the beginning, but eventually your child will get used to the new routine.
Remember that the most important factor here is to choose a quality day nursery. We recommend you to visit this website and check out their packages as they offer great services at affordable rates.
Brought to you by our friends at littlehandslittlefeet.org.