On Friday, my mom let me go to the beach with my friend. This was a first since there were no parents going with us. My friend is 17, but I am only 15. She was a little unsure at first, but ended up allowing me to go. This was of course, after she laid down the ground rules.
- If we were meeting up with anyone there she had to know about it.
- There would be no speeding going to the beach, or on the way back.
- We had to actually go to the beach.
- I had to be home by five, at the very latest.
My friend arrived at my house around 7:45 A.M. so we could pack a cooler. Neither of us felt like blowing our lives’ savings on beach food. We left at about eight, grabbed some food at Dunkins, and got to the beach at about 9:30. We found the perfect spot, blocked up, and hit the ocean. The day was great, we spent it playing football, tanning, and splashing around in the water.
We actually ended up leaving around 2:30. The cute group of guys we had found and were hanging with had to leave, plus the sun was strong that day and we had had enough of it. Not to mention we were both exhausted!
I got home at about four. It would’ve been sooner but we stopped for some coffee at Dunkin Donuts.
The one thing I didn’t mention was that my mom and step-dad left the house at about 3:15 and weren’t going to be back till seven. I knew this too. It would’ve been all too easy for me to not leave till four and get back at almost six. Sure my step-brother was home. but there is always bribing.
The funny thing is that this thought didn’t go through my head till after I got home. And either way I wouldn’t have done it. And because I didn’t lie and did as my mom said to, she will most likely be much more willing to let me go again next time.
What I’m trying to get across is that trust is very difficult to gain, but easy to lose. Trust has to be built, so why would you lie and break it? To all the kids or teens reading this, do as your parents say when you go out. There is a slight chance that you can get away with lying, but the risk is too high. Plus if your parents find out that you lied after you’re in even more trouble than you were before.
And to the parents, give your kids a little trust. You’re waiting for them to show you that they can be trusted, and that they are responsible. But they can’t show you that they are unless you give them opportunities to.