I love Halloween. I always have. As a little kid, it was the excitement of trick or treating and now it still is. (Don’t worry, I stopped my sophomore year.) There are often football games or dances or parties to attend and it is always so much fun. When you get older a lot of kids forget about Halloween or they think it is just partying. This is not the case. There are so many fun things to do on Halloween that aren’t too young feeling or illegal. (Underage drinking is bad, kiddos.)
One of my favorite things to do is to have a party. No, not a party party, but having a bunch of friends over and dressing up in costumes and playing games and watching movies. The costumes bring back the fun of Halloween from being a kid and so do snacks like candy (I always eat out of the bowl as I hand it out to kids) while games like Cards Against Humanity and scary movies make it more fun in a high school way. That is where the dilemma pops up for me though, I hate scary movies!
If you aren’t like me and love being scared, a scary movie marathon is the best way to spend Halloween. Have a whole bunch of friends over, get a bunch of pillows and blankets, and a bunch of candy and popcorn and settle in for a couple movies. Bonus points for Halloween themed scary movies.
A corn maze or a hayride are also great ideas. They are great for group activities, and at some places you can get a discount if you wear a costume! And even better for those of you like me, you can go through a haunted one or a regular one! Although believe me, you can make it through a haunted one; I did.
Haunted attractions are also lots of fun. They can be a tad on the expensive side though, so be sure to think this one through before you go. My freshman year of high school I was determined to go with my friends and spent $60 on a ticket, only to be so scared that I left before I even went into one of the houses. (It took a lot for me not to cry that night.)
All in all Halloween is still my favorite holiday. It is just so much fun, scares and all. If you are at all like me, there are still tons of fun scare-free options.