Smart phone usage is on the rise among Tweens. While you may think that it is a good idea for them to have one, you still need to watch out for what is put on their phones. More and more apps are trying to circumnavigate parental controls because they want to draw in the kids. On some of these apps, the only way to know what is on there is to open up the app itself. The problem with these apps is that they can get your Tween in trouble very quickly.
SnapChat seems like a fun way to snap a picture. It is supposed to disappear after a short period of time. It isn’t a bad app is so far as what it does. The temporary status of pictures does make it appealing in some regards. The danger here is that even though the pictures are temporary, someone can save them in that time frame. Thus, it is not truly temporary and whatever they share on here can become public very quickly. It is important to remind Tweens that absolutely nothing they post is private.
Ask.fm is another app that parents need to warn their Tweens about. It seems harmless on the surface and it can be explained away as a “getting help with homework” type of a deal. But in reality, it is a dark look at what humans really say about each other. This app has the power to destroy your Tween’s self-esteem before you even know what is going on. There are reports that this app has been linked to several teen suicides.
Whisper.sh is the kind of app that Tweens like. It is all about sharing secrets. While there is an age limit to this one, it is not posted on the site. Rife with pornographic images and the possibility of your Tween’s location getting out, the dangers are apparent. If you find this one on your Tween’s phone you need to delete it immediately.
Vine is a forum for inappropriate and explicit material. Tweens and teens can share things that they shouldn’t be at this age. This can easily put your Tween at risk. While there is an age limit, this is one in which you will need to follow through with a talk about appropriate posting along with taking away access to the phone. There isn’t much you can do about images your Tween has posted at this point other than ask for their deletion.
Tinder is a dating app. While it is fine for adults, the problem is that it is very location specific. That means a predator in the area knows where your Tween is and might convince them to meet up. If you see this app, it is better to delete it and reinforce the warning about meeting up with people they don’t know. As a Tween, they are still too young to date.
These are just a few apps you should be extremely wary of as a parent.